University Park at MIT

Master Plan and Research Building project designer with Koetter Kim and Associates

One of the earliest partnerships between a developer and institution to develop land for bio-technology use; the intent was to continue the vitality of the city into the development through a large central space extending from the main street, Mass Avenue into the 26 acre campus. The hallmark of the master plan is design guidelines intended to connect the new facilities with the adjacent brick and manufacturing architecture of the neighborhood, drawing from tradition and the historic manufacturing history of the city. A new incubator research building was the first building to employ the guidelines. Conventional glazing is employed in a grid to resemble the steel frame windows of the manufacturing buildings that had occupied the site; brick piers rather than walls mimic the frame expression of the 1930’s NECCO wafer factory nearby. Setbacks are employed to reduce the apparent scale of the building while supporting large open floor plates with tall floor to floor heights to accommodate the latest technologies for office and research support.

Project Data

Master Plan and Research Building 2.4 million square foot master plan for office, research, residential and parking with a 125,000 square feet research building for bio-technology on five stories Cambridge Massachusetts – Mark Chen Project Designer with Koetter Kim and Assoc