University of Rochester Medical Center

Kornberg Research Building project designer with Perkins and Will

The new Kornberg Research building, new medical school entry and Medical Research building X are links in a larger plan to provide a series of interconnected research facilities on the west side of the campus. The design arrays a series of modular laboratory buildings along a central spine. Main entry, conference, breaks room and lounge facilities are located at the junction of each lab building and are expressed as glazed connectors. The building expression expands upon the original 1970’s main hospital expression with the lab module recognized in a more unique dynamic composition to reflect the research within. The research space employs the “linear equipment corridor” concept through out. This is the first of four major projects by Mark Chen at the University of Rochester.

Project Data

200,000 gross square feet of bio-medical research on four floors with basement level vivarium with a 90,000 square foot medical education entry, auditorium, conference and administrative space on two stories plus a 125,000 gross square foot bio-medical research expansion on four floors plus basement Rochester New York – Mark Chen Architect with Perkins and Will /University Partners