University of Rochester Medical Center

James P. Wilmot Cancer Center project designer with Blair Mui Dowd

The program of this comprehensive cancer center is to integrate patient care, clinical trials and bio-medical research space in one building. The challenge was integrating the diverse architectural requirements of each use while creating an open and comforting environment for cancer care. The design solution stacks radiation oncology, clinics, administration and research on separate floors to optimize the requirements for each on their own floors. The large building floor plate and tall floor to floor heights allow for flexibility in planning and ease of change in the future. The feature element of the building is a three story atrium joins each floor and is the primary patient and staff interaction area; it is also a lens into the building, providing visibility for the center and visual accessibility to the programs within. This is the third project of four major projects that Mark Chen has done for the University of Rochester.

Project Data

162,000 square feet on four stories including clinics, radiation oncology, bio-medical research and clinical research space Rochester New York – Mark Chen Architect with Donald Blair and Partners