Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

South Campus Expansion consultant to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

This planning study was the first step in establishing a long term plan for growth for Children’s Hospitals only site for future expansion. The most distinctive feature is a central space around which buildings are planned and organized. No medical center campus in the US can lay claim to a space of this size and presence. This space is the hallmark of the institution, provides a means to understand the multitude of uses for patients and staff alike. The intent is to create a group of signature buildings above a four story below ground parking structure. Buildings step down towards the space to allow for light and air while glass canopies and entrance colonnades create a pedestrian friendly environment. The glass and stone skin is drawn from the architecture of the main hospital; linking the two campuses together through their common exterior expression. A series of colored flying carpets provide horizontal accents that register the different scales of building and support a vibrant dynamic appearance.

Project Data

2,000,000 square feet of ambulatory care, clinical research, bio-medical research, parking for 1200 cars and support facilities on a 7.8 acre site. Buildings range from 6 to 20 stories above grade and 4 levels below grade Philadelphia Pennsylvania – Mark Chen Architect